You might have seen my work on Instagram under @build_a_nail, but I've since undergone a makeover and have become The Busy Nails. My original concept for build_a_nail was "building unique manicures one day at a time". My new persona still stays true to that, but in a simpler, more refined way. Yes, I'm still too busy to create a complete, from-scratch mani every day like some nail wizards tend to do, but I'm not too busy to make time for my absolute favorite hobby!
My mani cave, where the magic happens. If only it were always this neat and clean.
I live in Cleveland, OH with my wonderful husband and I work by day as a project manager at a super fun web design agency. When I'm not painting my nails, (which is rare), you'll probably find me watching the latest Netflix series or enjoying drinks with friends. Other things I enjoy: books, dogs, miniature things, (mini dogs = win-win), notepads, cheese and anything gold. Yep, that about covers it!